I’m excited to finally show off my latest software – GSA Platform Identifier.
What is GSA Platform Identifier (GSA PI)?
GSA PI is a software designed to help identify and sort your scraped list of URLS by platform (CMS), PA/DA, OBL & more. The tool was designed for SEO’s who scrape their own lists and need something a bit more “robust” then the identify and sort in feature built into SER.
Here is a basic video overview: (Pi now has more features than what is shown in the video)
GSA Pi doesn’t just sort URL’s, it also has the unique ability to monitor files and folders.
What does that mean exactly?
It means, that if you’re scraping with Scrapebox and the output is being written to a specific folder E.G. c:/scrapebox output – GSA Pi, can monitor this folder, extract the scraped URLS, and sort them in real time. This means you don’t have to sit around and babysit your scraper, let Pi monitor the output folder and take care of the sorting on auto-pilot. Not only will the sorting be handled automatically, but there are different sorting criteria you can set to help filter out the links you don’t want. (works with free Moz API)
Current Sorting Features:
Sorting by Moz PA/DA – Page Authority and Domain Authority are metrics used by SEOmoz to gauge how a certain domain/page will perform in the search engines. Although PA/DA can be artificially manipulated, using this filter adds another “layer” of metrics to help bring in higher quality links. You can use a free SEOmoz account to get started.
Keyword filter – The keyword filters allows you to help filter out non-relevant URLS, by keeping only the URLS that feature your specific keywords in the title, URL, meta description, meta keywords or page title.
Outbound Links – Filter out URL’s that have too many outbound links on the page. When a page/domain has too many outbound links, it can be seen as “spammy” and less link juice is passed to your link, this filter helps to filter out those heavily spammed pages/domains.
Filter by Platform – The platform filter will allow you to save only a specific type of platform/CMS E.G. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. – This is useful if you’re trying to only build backlinks to a specific type of platform and need to filter out everything else.
Other Cool Features:
Duplicate Remove – Automatic duplicate monitoring will allow the software to monitor specific folders that you want to be automatically dedup’d. Simply set a folder, choose a countdown interval (E.G. 15 minutes) and every x amount of time, the software will check and remove duplicates from the .txt files in that folder.
Stats and Charts – Stats and graphs give a breakdown of all sorted platforms and the number of each found. Numbers and chart will change in real time as new URLS are processed:
Tools – Pi features a few extra built in tools to help with filtering your list. Some features include, trim to root, remove dup domains, dup URL’s, remove by mask, combine files, and split files.
Custom Engines – Easily create your own custom engines that can be used to detect platforms that aren’t included.
Proxy Support – While proxies aren’t required to run Pi, but for those of you who prefer to stay anonymous, proxy support is there for you.
Drag and Drop Import – Importing files and folders is as easy as selecting and dragging them into the window.
Multi-threaded – GSA Pi features adjustable multi-threading so you can adjust the speed and amount of resources Pi uses while running on your machines. Increasing thread count can make Pi work faster, but will also increase CPU usage. Adjust thread count accordingly.
Multi-project – Multi-project allows you to run as many projects as you want simultaneously. Not only that, but you can also have multiple projects saving links to the same destination folder without any conflicts. No URL’s will ever be overwritten, but simply appended to the URL’s that are already present in the .txt files.
More features coming – Pi will continue to grow as more users provide feature requests and feedback. Do you own Pi? Let me know what kind of features you would like to see included in future updates.
Who is Pi For?
Pi is designed for anyone who wants to scrape and build their own link lists to use with tools such as GSA SER, Scrapebox, Gscraper, Ultimate Demon, NohandsSEO and more. With Pi you can simply set your favorite scraper to scrape the URLs, and let Pi handle all sorting, filtering, duplicate removing, and more … all on auto-pilot.
Have suggestions or feature improvement ideas for GSA Pi? Feel free to let me know in the comments below!
love this going to try it out
Sounds good, let me know if you have any questions. 🙂
Really useful and it was nice with the video to see it in action. Have now downloaded the trial and looking forward to see if it can replace some of the other tools 🙂 thx
Sounds good! 🙂